Life Zero Blog

NLP - Getting started [Part 1]

NLP - Getting started [Part 1] Introduction Ultimate goal: human-to-computer communication. The goal of natural language processing (NLP) is to design and build computer systems that are able t...

Point Cloud?

Point Cloud Processing Introduction Point clouds are data points defined in a three-dimensional space, often generated by 3D scanners or LiDAR sensors. These data points represent the external su...

Paper note - [Week 7]

Paper note - [Week 7] Vision-and-Language Navigation: Interpreting visually-grounded navigation instructions in real environments Motivation Previous approaches to natural language command of...

Paper note - [Week 6]

Paper note - [Week 6] A customized residual neural network and bi-directional gated recurrent unit-based automatic speech recognition model Motivation Voice technology is currently emplo...

Paper note - [Week 5]

Paper note - [Week 5] A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF YOLO ARCHITECTURES IN COMPUTER VISION: FROM YOLOV1 TO YOLOV8 AND YOLO-NAS 1. Object Detection Metrics and Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) The Aver...

Paper note - [Week 4]

Paper note - [Week 4] Transformation-Equivariant 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving (AAAI 2021) Motivation Most of these methods construct detection frameworks based on ordinary...

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 3 - State-of-the-art 3D Deep Learning Using PyTorch3D]

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 3 - State-of-the-art 3D Deep Learning Using PyTorch3D] Setup environment conda create -n dl3d python=3.7 conda activate dl3d conda install pytorch torchvis...

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 2 - 3D Deep Learning using PyTorch3D]

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 2 - 3D Deep Learning using PyTorch3D] Setup environment conda create -n dl3d python=3.7 conda activate dl3d conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cu...

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 1 - Introduction]

3D Deep Learning with Pytorch3D [Part 1 - Introduction] Setup environment conda create -n dl3d python=3.7 conda activate dl3d conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit-11.1 -c p...

Paper note - [Week 3]

Paper note - [Week 3] Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection Using Uncalibrated Traffic Cameras through Homography (IROS 2021) Motivation Traffic cameras are widely deployed today to monitor tr...