Home Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 4]

Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 4]

Chapter 4 - Estimating Point Correspondence

Goal: find point descriptors/characteristic image features to be able to identify keypoints accross several images from different views.

Things to consider:

  • small vs. wide baseline case (small vs. large displacements)
    • higher fps makes things easier!
    • small baseline: plausible corresponding points are likely to be close (only search there)
  • textured reconstructions can look misleadingly good (egg with face projected looks a lot like a human head)
  • non-Lambertian materials (shiny: view point dependence of reflection)
  • non-rigid transformations (person bending their head)
  • partial occlusions (sunglasses) - a point may not have a correspondence
Small Deformation vs. Wide Baseline
  • small deformation case: classical optical flow estimation.
    • Lucas/Kanade method (1981) (find correspondences sparsely)
    • Horn/Schunk method (1981) (find correspondences densely)
  • wide baseline stereo: Select feature points and find an appropriate pairing of points

Comment: with improving methods, increasingly large deformations can be handled by optical flow estimation (e.g. coarse-to-fine approaches)

Small Deformations: Optical Flow

The rigid transformation of a point $x_1$ in one image to $x_2$ in the other image is given by

\[x_2 = h(x_1) = \frac{1}{\lambda_2(X)}(R \lambda_1(X) x_1 + T)\]
Local approximation models for motion

This can be approximated locally e.g. by a translational model

\[h(x) = x + b\]

or an affine model

\[h(x) = Ax + b\]

The 2D affine model can also be written as

\[h(x) = x + u(x) = x + S(x) p = \begin{pmatrix} x & y & 1 & & & \\ & & & x & y & 1\end{pmatrix}(p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5, p_6)^\top\]

for some parameters $p_i$ depending on the rotation/translation.

Affine models include much more types of motion (divergent motions, rotations etc.)

Optical Flow Estimation

The optical flow refers to the part of the motion that can be seen in the image plane (i.e. the projection of the real motion onto the image plane).

  • Lucas-Kanade: sparse method (estimate motion field at certain points, under the assumption that the motion in a small neighborhood is constant)
  • Horn-Schunck: dense method (estimate motion field at every pixel, under the assumption that the motion in a small neighborhood is smooth)

Lucas-Kanade was prefered at the time the methods were published because it is simpler and already was realtime-capable in the 80’s. In more recent years, Horn-Schunck is becoming more popular (“now we have GPUs”).

The Lucas-Kanade Method

Some Assumptions we make

  • Brightness Constancy Assumption (also optical flow constraint): every moving point has constant brightness. Formally, $I(x(t), t) = \text{const.} ~\forall t$.
    • This is almost never fulfilled. But often approximately
    • the equivalent formulation \(\frac{d}{dt}I(x(t), t) = \nabla I^\top \frac{dx}{dt} + \frac{\partial I}{\partial t} = 0\)is also called the (differential) optical flow constraint
  • Constant Motion in a Neighborhood Assumption: the velocity of movement is constant in a neighborhood $W(x)$ of a point $x$: \(\nabla I(x', t)^\top v + \frac{\partial I}{\partial t}(x', t) = 0 \quad \forall x' \in W(x)\)

Lukas-Kanade (1981) formulation

Since the two assumptions are not exactly fulfilled usually, the method minimizes the least-squares error instead: \(E(v) = \int_{W(x)} \vert \nabla I(x', t)^\top v + I_t(x', t)\vert^2 dx'\) Comment: this would be done differently today (not quadratic e.g.). $E$ (cost function) is also called energy.


We get $\frac{dE}{dv} = 2Mv + 2q = 0$, where $M = \int_{W(x)} \nabla I \nabla I^\top dx’$ and $q = \int_{W(x)} I_t \nabla I dx’$. If $M$ is invertible, the solution is $v = - M^{-1} q$.


Affine motion: basically, same technique. The cost function becomes

\[E(v) = \int_{W(x)} \vert \nabla I(x', t)^\top S(x') p + I_t(x', t)\vert^2 dx'\]

and is minimized with the same technique as above.

Limitations (translational version)

Aperture problem: e.g. for constant intensity regions (where $\nabla I(x) = 0, I_t(x) = 0$ for all points). To get a unique solution $b$, the structure tensor $M(x)$ must be invertible:

\[M(x) = \int_{W(x)} \begin{pmatrix} I_x^2 & I_x I_y \\ I_x I_y & I_y^2 \end{pmatrix} \,dx'\]

If $M(x)$ is not invertible, but at least non-zero, at least the normal motion (motion in direction of the gradient) can be estimated.

Simple Feature Tracking with Lucas-Kanade

Assume: given $t$.

  • for each $x \in \Omega$ compute the structure tensor $M(x)$
  • for the points $x$ where $\det M(x) \geq 0$ (above treshold), compute the local velocity as \(b(x, t) = -M(x)^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \int I_x I_t dx' \\ \int I_y I_t d x' \end{pmatrix}\)
  • update points from $x$ to $x + b(x, t)$ and repeat for time $t + 1$.

Important point: a translation-only model works in small window, but on a larger window, or with a longer movement, we need a better model (e.g. affine).

Robust Feature Point Extraction

Problem: unreliable to invert $M$ if it has a small determinant. Alternative: Förstner 1984, Harris & Stephens 1988 - Harris corner detector.

  • use alternative structure tensor to detect good points
    • weight neighborhood by a Gaussian: \(M(x) = G_\sigma \nabla I \nabla I^\top = \int G_\sigma(x - x') \begin{pmatrix} I_x^2 & I_x I_y \\ I_x I_y & I_y^2 \end{pmatrix}(x') \,dx'\)
    • select points for which $\det(M) - \kappa \,\text{trace}(M)^2 > \theta$


Wide Baseline Matching

Problem: many points will have no correspondence in the second image. Wide baseline might be needed to counter drift, i.e. the accumulation of small errors (compute corredpondences again with larger distance in time).

  • One needs to consider an affine model (translational is not good enough for wide baseline).
  • To be more robust to illumination changes (typically greater in wide baseline): replace L2 error function by normalized cross correlation
Normalized Cross Correlation

The NCC for a given candidate transformation $h$ is \(NCC(h) = \frac{ \int_{W(x)} (I_1(x') - \bar{I}_1) (I_2(h(x')) - \bar{I}_2) \, dx'} { \sqrt{\int_{W(x)} (I_1(x') - \bar{I}_1)^2 \, dx' \int_{W(x)} (I_2(x') - \bar{I}_2)^2 \, dx'}}\)

where $\bar{I}_1, \bar{I}_2$ are average intensities of $W(x)$ ($\bar{I}_2$ depends on $h$). Subtracting averages leads to invariance wrt. additive intensity changes. Dividing by the intensity variances of the window leads to invariance to multiplicative changes.

Different interpretation: If we stack the normalized intensity values of a window in one vector, $v_i = \text{vec}(I_i - \bar{I}_i), i =1,2$, then $NCC(h) = \cos \angle (v_1, v_2)$.

Normalized Cross Correlation for affine transformation

Affine transformation $h(x) = Ax + d$: Find optimum $\arg\max_{A,d} NCC(A, d)$. Just insert the $h$ in the above formula to get the $NCC$. Efficiently finding optima is a challenge

Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Neural Networks

Deep NNs can also be used for correspondence estimation and have become more popular in recent years.

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