Chapter 6 - Reconstruction from Multiple Views
Not just two, but multiple views. Each new view gives 6 new parameters, but many more point measurements -> ratio params / measurements improves.
Different approaches:
- trifocal tensors (“trilinear relations” between three images, generalize Fundamental Matrix)
- Textbooks: Faugeras and Luong 2001; Hartley and Zisserman 2003
- matrices instead of tensors
- Textbook: Invitation to 3D vision
- Preimage of a point/line on the image plane: points that get projected to that point/line
- Preimage of points/lines from multiple views: Intersection of preimages \(\text{preimage}(x_1,\dots,x_m) = \bigcap_i \text{preimage}(x_i)\)
The preimage of multiple lines should be a line for the reconstruction to be consistent.
Next denote time-dependent image coordinates by $x(t)$. Parametrize 3D lines in homog. coord. as $L = {X_0 + \mu V}$. $L$’s preimage is a plane $P$ with normal $\ell(t)$, $P = \text{span}(\hat{\ell})$.
The $\ell$ is orthogonal to points $x$ on $L$: $\ell(t) x(t) = \ell(t) K(t) \Pi_0 g(t) X = 0$ (why?)
Then $\lambda_i x_i = \Pi_i X$ (relation i-th image of point p <-> world coordinates $X$) and $\ell_i^\top \Pi_i X_0 = \ell_i^\top \Pi_i V = 0$ (relation i-th coimage of $L$ <-> world coordinates $X_0, V$)
Modeling Multi-View with Point Features
Assume we have the world point $X$ represented by points $x_1, \dots, x_m$ in the $m$ images, with depths $\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_m$. This is modeled by
\[\mathcal{I} \vec{\lambda} = \Pi X\]or in more detail,
\[\mathcal{I} \vec{\lambda} = \begin{pmatrix} x_1 & & & \\ & x_2 & & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & x_m \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}\lambda_1 \\ \lambda_2 \\ \vdots \\ \lambda_m \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \Pi_1 \\ \Pi_2 \\ \vdots \\ \Pi_m \end{pmatrix} X = \Pi X\]- $\vec{\lambda}$ is the depth scale vector
- $\Pi$ (3m x 4 matrix) is the multiple-view projection matrix, $\Pi_i = \Pi g_i$, and contains the i-th camera rotation as well as the projection
- $\mathcal{I}$ (3m x m matrix) is the image matrix and contains the “2d” (homogenous) coordinates of projections $x_i$
The Rank Constraint
Rewrite to obtain:
\[N_p u = 0, \qquad \text{ where } N_p := [\Pi, \mathcal{I}], u :=[X; -\vec{\lambda}]\]$N_p$ is a $3m \times (m+4)$ matrix. Since $u$ is in the null space of $N_p$, we get the rank constraint:
\[\text{rank}(N_p) \leq m+3\]There exists a reconstruction iff this rank constraint holds. Compare with epipolar constraint: contraint is on matrix that only includes camera params and 2d coords, but no 3d coords.
Writing Rank Constraint more compactly
Define $\mathcal{I}^\bot$, where in $\mathcal{I}$, each $x_i$ is substituted by $\widehat{x_i}$ (a 3m x 3m matrix). It annihilates $\mathcal{I}$: $\mathcal{I}^\bot \mathcal{I} = 0$. By multiplying the above $\mathcal{I} \vec{\lambda} = \Pi X$ with it:
\[\mathcal{I}^\bot \Pi X = 0\]There exists a reconstruction iff $W_p = \mathcal{I}^\bot \Pi$ does not have full rank:
\[\text{rank}(W_p) \leq 3.\]Note: $W_p$ has the form
\[W_p = [\widehat{x_1} \Pi_1; \dots; \widehat{x_m} \Pi_m]\]Modeling Multi-View with Line Features
Intuition: from a line in two views only, we can’t say anything about the camera motion, because any two line preimages intersect. We can get results from more views.
Saw already: $\ell_i^\top \Pi_i X_0 = \ell_i^\top \Pi_i V = 0$ for the coimages $\ell_i$ of a line $L$ with base $X_0$, direction $V$.
Define matrix $W_l = [\ell_1^\top \Pi_1 ; \dots; \ell_m^\top \Pi_m]$ (m x 4 matrix). It maps both $X_0$ and $V$ to 0; these two vectors are linearly independent ($X_0[4] = 1, V[4] = 0$). We get a new rank constraint:
\[\text{rank}(W_l) \leq 2\]Rank Constraints: Geometric Interpretation
Points case
For points, we had $W_p X = 0$, $W_p = [\widehat{x_1} \Pi_1; \dots; \widehat{x_m} \Pi_m]$ (3m x 4 matrix). There are 2m lin. indep. rows, which can be interpreted as the normals of 2m planes, and $W_p X = 0$ expresses that $X$ is in the intersection of these planes. The $2m$ planes have a unique intersection iff $\text{rank}(W_p) = 3$.
Lines case
The constraint is only meaningful (i.e. actually a constraint) if $m > 2$.
Multiple-View Matrix of a Point
Goal: further compatify constraints. We are in coordinate frame of first camera; i.e. $\Pi_1 = [I, 0], \Pi_2 = [R_2, T_2], \dots, \Pi_m = [R_m, T_m]$.
Define $D_p = \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{x_1} & x_1 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$ (4 x 5 matrix, full rank). Multiply with $W_p$ (3m x 4 matrix) to get a 3m x 5 matrix, drop the first three rows and columns and call the submatrix $M_p$:
\[M_p = \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{x_2} R_2 x_1 & \widehat{x_2} T_2 \\ \widehat{x_3} R_3 x_1 & \widehat{x_3} T_3 \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ \widehat{x_m} R_m x_1 & \widehat{x_m} T_m \\ \end{pmatrix}\]$M_p$ is a 3(m-1) x 2 matrix. Now: $\text{rank}(W_p) \leq 3 \Leftrightarrow \text{rank}(M_p) \leq 1$, i.e. the two columns are linearly dependent (easy to check and work with!). Proof:
$M_p$ is the multiple-view matrix. Summary: there exists a reconstruction iff the matrices $N_p, W_p, M_p$ satisfy:
\[\text{rank}(M_p) = \text{rank}(W_p) - 2 = \text{rank}(N_p) - (m+2) \leq 1\]##### Geometric interpretation of Multiple-View Matrix
The rank constraint implies that the two columns of $M_p$ are linearly dependent. In fact, even \(\lambda_1 \widehat{x_i} R_i x_1 + \widehat{x_i} T_i = 0, i = 2, \dots, m:\) So the scaling factor is equal to the depth value $\lambda_1$.
(Proof: from the projection equation we know $\lambda_i x_i = \lambda_1 R_i x_1 + T_i$, hence $\lambda_1 \widehat{x_i} R_i x_1 + \widehat{x_i} T_i = 0$.)
##### $M_p$ => Epipolar (bilinear) constraints Goal: if we consider only a pair of images, the epipolar constraint should emerge from $M_p$.
Proof - linear dependence of $\widehat{x_i} R_i x_1$ and $\widehat{x_i} T_i$ implies epipolar constraint $x_i^\top \hat{T}_i R_i x_1 = 0$:
$\widehat{x_i} T_i$ and $\widehat{x_i} R_i x_1$ are each normals to planes spanned by $x_i, T_i$ and $x_i, R_ix_1$, respectively. Linear dependence of these normals implies: => $x_i, T_i, R_i x_1$ live in the same plane (coplanar). Therefore $x_i^\top \hat{T}_i R_i x_1 = x_i^\top \hat{T}_i R_i x_1 = 0$.
$M_p$ <=> Trilinear constraints
Theorem: a matrix $M = [a_1 b_1; \dots; a_n b_n]$ with $a_i, b_i \in \mathbb{R}^3$ is rank-deficient <=> $a_i b_j^\top - b_i a_j^\top = 0$ for all $i, j$.
Applied to $M_p$, this yields the trilinear constraints:
\[\widehat{x_i} (T_i x_1^\top R_j^\top - R_i x_1 T_j^\top) \widehat{x_j} = 0, ~\forall i, j \in [n] \qquad \text{(trilinear constraints)}\]Different than the epipolar constraints, the trilinear constraints actually characterize the rank constraint on $M_p$. Each constraint couples three images: one can show that constraints on pairs of images cannot capture all the information from $m$ images, but these trilinear constraints can.
Note: we can also obtain the epipolar constraints directly from the trilinear constraints in non-degenerate cases.
Question: what does the “3 x 3 = 9 scalar trilinear equations” part mean?
Uniqueness of the Preimage
This slide was skipped (“a little bit to technical”)
Degenerate cases
If $\widehat{x_j} T_j = \widehat{x_j} R_j x_1 = 0$ for some view $j$, then the epipolar constraints cannot be obtained from the trilinear constraints; also the equivalence “trilinear constraints <=> rank constraint” does not hold in degenerate cases.
- If between three images, each pair of epipolar constraints is fulfilled, they determine a unique preimage $p$ - except if all three lines $o_i x_i$ between optical center and image point lie in the same plane.
- If between three images, all three trilinear constraints hold (3 out of 9 are different considering symmetry), the determine a unique preimage $p$ - except if the three lines $o_i x_i$ are collinear.
In the example where all optical centers lie on a line, going from bilinear to trilinear constraints solves the problem.
Summary: Rank of $M_p$
- $M_p$ has rank 2 => no point correspondence; empty preimage.
- $M_p$ has rank 1 => point correspondence + unique preimage
- $M_p$ has rank 0 => point correspondence, but non-unique preimage
Multi-View Reconstruction
Two approaches:
- cost-function based: maximize some objective function subject to the rank condition => non-lin. opt. problem: analogous to bundle adjustment
- decouple structure and motion, like in the 8-point algorithm. Warning: not necessarily practical, since not necessarily optimal in the presence of noise + uncertainty (like the 8-point algorithm)
Approach 2 is called factorization approach (because it factors - i.e. decouples - the problem)
Factorization Approach for Point Features
Assume: $m$ images $x_1^j, \dots, x_m^j$ each of points $p^j$, $j \in [n]$.
Rank constraint => columns of $M_{p^j}$ dependent => (first column) + $\alpha^j$ (second column) = 0. As seen above, $\alpha^j = 1/\lambda_1^j$.
This equation is linear in the camera motion parameters $R_i, T_i$, and can be written as:
\[P_i \begin{pmatrix} R_i^s \\ T_i \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} x_1^1{}^\top \otimes \widehat{x_i^1} & \alpha^1 \widehat{x_i^1} \\ x_1^2{}^\top \otimes \widehat{x_i^2} & \alpha^2 \widehat{x_i^2} \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ x_1^n{}^\top \otimes \widehat{x_i^n} & \alpha^n \widehat{x_i^n} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} R_i^s \\ T_i \end{pmatrix} = 0 \in \mathbb{R}^{3n}\]Here simply things were re-arranged, the $R$ and $T$ matrices stacked in one long vector. One can show: $P_i \in \mathbb{R}^{3n \times 12}$ has rank 11, if more than 6 points (in general position) are given! (Intuition behind 6: 3n rows for n images, but only 2 out of three are lin. indep.)
=> one-dim. null space => projection matrix $\Pi_i = (R_i, T_i)$ given up to scalar factor!
In practice: use > 6 points, compute solution via SVD.
Like 8-point algorithm: not optimal in the presence of noise and uncertainty.
Decoupling compared to 8-point algorithm
Difference from 8-point algorithm: structure and motion not fully decoupled, since the 1/depth parameters $\alpha$ are needed to construct $P_i$. However, structure and motion can be iteratively estimated by estimating motion from a structure estimate, and vice versa, until convergence. Advantage: each step has a closed-form solution. This could be initialized by an 8-point algorithm reconstruction and further improve on it using the multi-view information.
Least-squares solution to find $\alpha_j$ from $R_i, T_i$:
\[\alpha^j = - \frac{\sum_{i=2}^m (\widehat{x_i^j} T_i)^\top \widehat{x_i^j} R_i x_1^j}{\sum_{i=2}^m || \widehat{x_i^j} T_i || ^2}\]Another interesting point: Estimating $Pi_i = (R_i, T_i)$ only requires two frames 1 and $j$, but estimating $\alpha$ requires all frames.
QUESTION: Don’t we get $\alpha_j$ from $M_{p_j}$? (No… we need $R, T$ to get $M_{p_j}$).
The Multi-View Matrix for Lines
Recall: $\ell_i^\top \Pi_i X_0 = \ell_i^\top \Pi_i V = 0$ for the coimages $\ell_i$ of a line $L$ with base $X_0$, direction $V$; we constructed the multi-view matrix for lines: \(W_l = [\ell_1^\top \Pi_1 ; \dots; \ell_m^\top \Pi_m] \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times 4}\)
The rank constraint is that $W_l$ should have rank at most 2, since $W_l X_0 = W_l V = 0$. Goal: find more compact representaion; assume $\Pi_1 = (I, 0)$, i.e. first camera is in world coordinates.
Trick: multiply $W_l$ by 4x5 matrix $D_l$ s.t. last four columns of first row become zero, but keep rank the same.
Now since the first column must be lin. indep. because of the zeros in the first row, and the matrix has rank at most 1, the submatrix starting $(W_l D_l)[2:, 2:]$ must have rank 1. This submatrix is called the multi-view matrix for lines.
\[M_l = \begin{pmatrix} \ell_2^\top R_2 \widehat{\ell_1} & \ell_2^\top T_2 \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ \ell_m^\top R_m \widehat{\ell_1} & \ell_m^\top T_m \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{(m-1) \times 4}\]The previous rank-2-constraint can be characterized by a rank-1-constraint on $M_l$: A meaningful preimage of $m$ observed lines can only exist if
\[\text{rank}(M_l) \leq 1.\]In other words: all rows and all columns must be linearly dependent.
Trilinear Constraints for a Line (from the Rows)
Since rows of $M_l$ are lin. dep., we have for all $i, j$: $\ell_i^\top R_i \widehat{\ell_1} \sim \ell_j^\top R_j \widehat{\ell_1}$. This states that the three vectors $R_i^\top \ell_j$, $R_j^\top \ell_j$, $\ell_1$ are coplanar. So $R_i^\top \ell_i$ is orthogonal to the cross product of $R_j^\top \ell_j$ and $\ell_1$, which leads to:
\[\ell_i^\top R_i \widehat{\ell_1} R_j^\top \ell_j = 0\]Note: this constraint only contains the rotations, not the translations! (Observing lines allows us to directly put constraints on the rotation alone.)
By the same rank-deficiency lemma from before, we get that the linear dependency of the i-th and j-th row is equivalent to
\[\ell_j^\top T_j \ell_i^\top R_i \widehat{\ell_1} - \ell_i^\top T_i \ell_j^\top R_j \widehat{\ell_1} = 0\]This relates the first, i-th and j-th images.
Both trilinear constraints are equivalent to the rank constraint if $\ell_i^\top T_i \neq 0$.
Generality of three-line constraints
Any multiview constraint on lines can be reduced to constraints which involve only three lines at a time. (Argument via 2x2 minors of matrix: see slides)
Characterization of Unique Preimages for Lines
Lemma: Given three camera frames with distinct optical centers and $\ell_1, \ell_2, \ell_3 \in \mathbb{R}^3$ represent three images lines, then their preimage $L$ is uniquely determined if \(\ell_i^\top T_{ji} \ell_k^\top R_{ki} \widehat{\ell_i} - \ell_k^\top T_{ki} \ell_j^\top R_{ji} \widehat{\ell_i} = 0 \quad \forall i, j, k = 1, 2, 3,\) except for one degenerate case: The only degenerate case is that in which the preimages of all $\ell_i$ are the same plane.
Note: this constraint combines the two previous trilinear constraints.
Equivalent formulation using the rank constraint:
Theorem: Given $m$ vectors $\ell_i$ representing images of lines w.r.t. $m$ camera frames, they correspond to the same line in space if the rank of $M_l$ relative to any of the camera frames is 1. If its rank is 0 (i.e. $M_l=0$, the line is determined up to a plane on which then all the camera centers must lie.
Summary of Multi-View Chapter
| | (Pre)image | coimage | Jointly | |——-|——————————|—————————|—————————| | Point | $\text{rank}(N_p) \leq m+3$ | $\text{rank}(W_p) \leq 3$ | $\text{rank}(M_p) \leq 1$ | | Line | $\text{rank}(N_l) \leq 2m+2$ | $\text{rank}(W_l) \leq 2$ | $\text{rank}(M_l) \leq 1$ |
The rank constraints guarantee the existence of unique preimages in non-degenerate cases.