Home ML for 3D Geometry - Part 5

ML for 3D Geometry - Part 5

Learning on Different 3D Representations

Types of 3D Represenations

  1. Volumetric grids => 3D CNNs
  2. Multi-view
  3. Point clouds
  4. Meshes

Volumetric Grids

More efficient than dense grid? => octtree

OctNet: Operating on Octtree structure

Problem: “neighbor queries” needed for convolutions can be less efficient Needed: known octtree structure => no generative tasks

Other architectures support generative tasks:

Octtree Generating Networks

Predict if octtree cell is empty / filled / mixed

Sparse Techniques

“Representing ‘the fine level’ in a sparse fashion” e.g. storing only the surface voxels with hashtable

Submanifold sparse convolutions

Avoid spreading sparse information to dense via convolution


Submanifold sparse convolutions operate basically only close to the surface (details?)

  • memory-efficient; uses hashing
  • significant performance improvement (e.g. room-scale @1-2cm now possible)
  • See: MinkowskiEngine

(Slight) disadvantage: close points in euclidean space can be far removed in geodesic distance or even disconnected, in this case no information propagation by subman. sparse conv. is possible.

Sparse Generative NNs (SG-NN, [Dai et al. ‘20])

(Used for scan completion)

Sparse Encoder -> Coarse Resolution Dense Predictor @ Coarse Prediction Upsample + Filter out by Geometry (e.g. mask out space known to be empty)

Multi-View Representations


  • exploit already existing powerful 2D CNN work
  • leverage high resolution of images

Advantage: can use fine-tuning on huge available 2D image datasets (which are not there for 3D)

Put in multiple images from the same object, put them through CNN. Idea: maybe one view is surer than another, and can provide more information.

Actually outperforms approaches with 3D inputs because of more training data. (Note: possibly only back then, not now)


Another idea: use on point clouds by rendering point clouds as spheres

Handling Irregular Structures

Meshes, Point Sets, Molecule Graphs, …

Surface geometry: up to now, gridify 2d surface in 3d space and apply (possibly sparse) convolution. => Point Cloud represents this without grid

Point Clouds

e.g. [[04 - Shape Segmentation and Labeling|PointNet]]: pool over points, such that agnostic to ordering


Interpret as graphs!

Convolutions over graphs should have, like regular convolutions: local support, weight sharing; and they should enable analysis at varying scales.

Geometric operators

Some geometric operators that might be useful for convolutions (how exactly? After all we’re not on a continuous surface?)

  • tangent plane of a point $x$
  • geodesic distance between two points $x, x’$
  • gradient $\nabla f(x)$ of a scalar field $f$ on the surface
  • divergence $\text{div} F(x)$ of a vector field $F$ on the surface (density of outward flux of $F$ from an infinitesimal volume around $f$)
  • Laplacian: $\Delta f(x) = -\text{div}(\nabla f(x))$ (difference between $f(x)$ and the average of $f(x)$ on an infinitesimal sphere around $x$)
  • discrete Laplacian (on a grid structure)
    • in 1D: $(\Delta f)i \approx 2f_i - f{i-1} - f_{i+1}$
    • in 2D: $(\Delta f){i,j} \approx 4f{ij} - f_{i-1,j} - f_{i+1,j} - f_{i,j-1} - f_{i,j+1}$

Similar definitions of discrete Laplacian on undirected graphs/triangular meshes (formulas -> see slides). Related to this: Graph Fourier transform (no more details on this).

Geodesic CNN

Convolutions in local geodesic coordinate system


(Polar coordinates $\rho, \theta$)

Apply filters to geodesic patches (to be rotation-invariant: apply several rotated variants of the filter. Otherwise the choice of $\theta=0$ is arbitrary)


Then one can define Convolutional networks with these geodesic convolutions [Masci et al. ‘15]


Computing this in practice: not trivial, but possible: uses a marching-like procedure that needs a triangular mesh. One needs to choose the radius of geodesic patches (compare with the kernel size).

Drawback: There is no natural pooling operation; can only use convolutions to increase receptive field. This is a huge drawback and hinders the performance.

Spectral Graph Convolutions

Relies on Graph fourier analysis. Convolution thereom: convolution in spatial domain = multiplication in frequency space.

Disadvantages: unless you have “perfect data”, there are some drawbacks; e.g.g no guarantee that kernels have local support, no shift invariance. Also no natural pooling operations.

Open area for new developments.

MeshCNN [Hanocka et al. ‘19]

CNN for triangle meshes: conv. and pooling defined on edge

  • each edge has a feature, and four edge neighbors (from two incident faces)
  • convolution applied to edge feature + 4 neighbors
  • pooling: edge collapse

Fig.6 ![[MeshCNN.png]]

Can perform reasonably well for part segmentation.

Message Passing Graph NNs

Nodes in a graph have features (hidden states) - optionally, also the edges and the graph as a whole. Hidden states are updated by aggregating messages from neighboring vertices/edges.

Scan2Mesh [Dai et al. ‘19]

Constructs a mesh from a 3D scan.

3d Input scan -> downsample (convolutions), predict vertices -> predict edges (message passing network) -> dual graph (where each vertex corresponds to a mesh face, and an edge means that two faces are adjacent) -> output mesh. (see slides)


Difficulty: how to define loss? combine: be close to a ground-truth mesh (not very flexible), be close to the correct surface (can have weird artifacts in mesh: e.g. self intersections)

Combining Representations

It can be an advantage to use multiple representations at the same time.

Dynamic Graph CNN for Point Clouds

From point cloud, compute local neighborhood graph ($k$-nn graph)

  • apply graph convolution
  • re-compute local neighborhood graph for the pointcloud points

3DMV (Joint 3D-Multi-View Learning) [Dai et al. ‘18]

First use a 2d CNN on images, then backproject to 3d, then a 3d CNN on reconstructed geometry (and also the actual geometry)

Virtual Multi-View Fusion [Kundu et al. ‘20]

Instead of real views, use rendered views. Also see [[07 - Semantic Scene Understanding#Virtual MVFusion Kundu et al ‘20|here]]

TextureNet [Huang et al. ‘19]

Semantic labeling of textured meshes. Can leverage the texture signal as well.

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