Home Basic Linux Command

Basic Linux Command

Basic Linux Command

  1. ls - List Directories Content (in windows we call these as a folders)

  2. cd - Changes the current directories

  3. pwd - Displays the present working directory

  4. cat - Concatenates and display files

  5. echo - Display Arguments to the Screen

  6. man - Display the Manual (and this can be used with specific commands to show the manual for them)

  7. exit - Exit the shell or your current Session

  8. which - locate a command by searching the directories specified by the environmental variable PATH (see Below)

  9. clear - Clears the Screen

Note: What are Environment Variables and what is $PATH?

environment variables are a set of dynamic named values, stored within the system that are used by applications launched in shells. there are systemwide and User-Defined Variables. example on the systemwide Variables is $PATH where $PATH is an environment variable specifying where executable programs are located.

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