Home Paper note 7 - PointRCNN - 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud

Paper note 7 - PointRCNN - 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud

PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud

1. Comparison with state-of-the-art methods


In autonomous driving, the most commonly used 3D sensors are the LiDAR sensors, which generate 3D point clouds to capture the 3D structures of the scenes. The difficulty of point cloud-based 3D object detection mainly lies in irregularity of the point clouds. State-of-the-art 3D detection methods either leverage the mature 2D detection frameworks by projecting the point clouds into bird’s view(see Fig. 1 (a)), to the frontal view, or to the regular 3D voxels, which are not optimal and suffer from information loss during the quantization.

Instead of transforming point cloud to voxels or other regular data structures for feature learning, Qi et al. proposed PointNet for learning 3D representations directly from point cloud data for point cloud classification and segmentation. As shown in Fig. 1 (b), their follow-up work applied PointNet in 3D object detection to estimate the 3D bounding boxes based on the cropped frustum point cloud from the 2D RGB detection results. However, the performance of the method heavily relies on the 2D detection performance and cannot take the advantages of 3D information for generating robust bounding box proposals.

Unlike object detection from 2D images, 3D objects in autonomous driving scenes are naturally and well separated by annotated 3D bounding boxes. In other words, the training data for 3D object detection directly provides the semantic masks for 3D object segmentation. This is a key difference between 3D detection and 2D detection training data. In 2D object detection, the bounding boxes could only provide weak supervisions for semantic segmentation

Based on this observation, we present a novel two-stage 3D object detection framework, named PointRCNN, which directly operates on 3D point clouds and achieves robust and accurate 3D detection performance (see Fig. 1 (c)).

The proposed framework consists of two stages, the first stage aims at generating 3D bounding box proposal in a bottomup scheme. By utilizing 3D bounding boxes to generate ground-truth segmentation mask, the first stage segments foreground points and generates a small number of bounding box proposals from the segmented points simultaneously. Such a strategy avoids using the large number of 3D anchor boxes in the whole 3D space as previous methods do and saves much computation.

The second stage of PointRCNN conducts canonical 3D box refinement. After the 3D proposals are generated, a point cloud region pooling operation is adopted to pool learned point representations from stage-1. Unlike existing 3D methods that directly estimate the global box coordinates, the pooled 3D points are transformed to the canonical coordinates and combined with the pooled point features as well as the segmentation mask from stage-1 for learning relative coordinate refinement. This strategy fully utilizes all information provided by our robust stage-1 segmentation and proposal sub-network. To learn more effective coordinate refinements, we also propose the full bin-based 3D box regression loss for proposal generation and refinement, and the ablation experiments show that it converges faster and achieves higher recall than other 3D box regression loss.

Our contributions could be summarized into three-fold.

(1) We propose a novel bottom-up point cloud-based 3D bounding box proposal generation algorithm, which generates a small number of high-quality 3D proposals via segmenting the point cloud into foreground objects and background. The learned point representation from segmentation is not only good at proposal generation but is also helpful for the later box refinement.

(2) The proposed canonical 3D bounding box refinement takes advantages of our highrecall box proposals generated from stage-1 and learns to predict box coordinates refinements in the canonical coordinates with robust bin-based losses.

(3) Our proposed 3D detection framework PointRCNN outperforms state-of-theart methods with remarkable margins and ranks first among all published works as of Nov. 16 2018 on the 3D detection test board of KITTI by using only point clouds as input.

2. PointRCNN for Point Cloud 3D Detection

2.1. Bottom-up 3D proposal generation via point cloud segmentation


Existing 2D object detection methods could be classified into one-stage and two-stage methods, where one-stage methods are generally faster but directly estimate object bounding boxes without refinement, while two-stage methods generate proposals firstly and further refine the proposals and confidences in a second stage. However, direct extension of the two-stage methods from 2D to 3D is non-trivial due to the huge 3D search space and the irregular format of point clouds. AVOD places 80-100k anchor boxes in the 3D space and pool features for each anchor in multiple views for generating proposals. FPointNet generates 2D proposals from 2D images, and estimate 3D boxes based on the 3D points cropped from the 2D regions, which might miss difficult objects that could only be clearly observed from 3D space.

We propose an accurate and robust 3D proposal generation algorithm as our stage-1 sub-network based on wholescene point cloud segmentation. We observe that objects in 3D scenes are naturally separated without overlapping each other. All 3D objects’ segmentation masks could be directly obtained by their 3D bounding box annotations, i.e., 3D points inside 3D boxes are considered as foreground points.

We therefore propose to generate 3D proposals in a bottom-up manner. Specifically, we learn point-wise features to segment the raw point cloud and to generate 3D proposals from the segmented foreground points simultaneously. Based on this bottom-up strategy, our method avoids using a large set of predefined 3D boxes in the 3D space and significantly constrains the search space for 3D proposal generation. The experiments show that our proposed 3D box proposal method achieves significantly higher recall than 3D anchor-based proposal generation methods

Learning point cloud representations: To learn discriminative point-wise features for describing the raw point clouds, we utilize the PointNet++ with multi-scale grouping as our backbone network. There are several other alternative point-cloud network structures, such as VoxelNet with sparse convolutions, which could also be adopted as our backbone network.

Foreground point segmentation: The foreground points provide rich information on predicting their associated objects’ locations and orientations. By learning to segment the foreground points, the point-cloud network is forced to capture contextual information for making accurate point-wise prediction, which is also beneficial for 3D box generation. We design the bottom-up 3D proposal generation method to generate 3D box proposals directly from the foreground points, i.e., the foreground segmentation and 3D box proposal generation are performed simultaneously.

Given the point-wise features encoded by the backbone point cloud network, we append one segmentation head for estimating the foreground mask and one box regression head for generating 3D proposals. For point segmentation, the ground-truth segmentation mask is naturally provided by the 3D ground-truth boxes. The number of foreground points is generally much smaller than that of the background points for a large-scale outdoor scene. Thus we use the focal loss to handle the class imbalance problem as:


During training point cloud segmentation, we keep the default settings $αt = 0.25$ and $γ = 2$ as the original paper.

Bin-based 3D bounding box generation: As we mentioned above, a box regression head is also appended for simultaneously generating bottom-up 3D proposals with the foreground point segmentation. During training, we only require the box regression head to regress 3D bounding box locations from foreground points. Note that although boxes are not regressed from the background points, those points also provide supporting information for generating boxes because of the receptive field of the point-cloud network.

A 3D bounding box is represented as $(x, y, z, h, w, l, θ)$ in the LiDAR coordinate system, where $(x, y, z)$ is the object center location, $(h, w, l)$ is the object size, and θ is the object orientation from the bird’s view. To constrain the generated 3D box proposals, we propose bin-based regression losses for estimating 3D bounding boxes of objects.


For estimating center location of an object, as shown in Fig. 3, we split the surrounding area of each foreground point into a series of discrete bins along the $X$ and $Z$ axes. Specifically, we set a search range S for each $X$ and $Z$ axis of the current foreground point, and each 1D search range is divided into bins of uniform length δ to represent different object centers $(x, z)$ on the $X-Z$ plane. We observe that using bin-based classification with cross-entropy loss for the $X$ and $Z$ axes instead of direct regression with smooth $L1$ loss results in more accurate and robust center localization.

The localization loss for the $X$ or $Z$ axis consists of two terms, one term for bin classification along each $X$ and $Z$ axis, and the other term for residual regression within the classified bin. For the center location $y$ along the vertical $Y$ axis, we directly utilize smooth $L1$ loss for the regression since most objects’ $y$ values are within a very small range. Using the $L1$ loss is enough for obtaining accurate $y$ values.

To remove the redundant proposals, we conduct nonmaximum suppression (NMS) based on the oriented IoU from bird’s view to generate a small number of high-quality proposals. For training, we use 0.85 as the bird’s view IoU threshold and after NMS we keep top 300 proposals for training the stage-2 sub-network. For inference, we use oriented NMS with IoU threshold 0.8, and only top 100 proposals are kept for the refinement of stage-2 sub-network.

2.2. Point cloud region pooling

After obtaining 3D bounding box proposals, we aim at refining the box locations and orientations based on the previously generated box proposals. To learn more specific local features of each proposal, we propose to pool 3D points and their corresponding point features from stage-1 according to the location of each 3D proposal.

2.3. Canonical 3D bounding box refinement


Canonical transformation: To take advantages of our high-recall box proposals from stage-1 and to estimate only the residuals of the box parameters of proposals, we transform the pooled points belonging to each proposal to the canonical coordinate system of the corresponding 3D proposal. As shown in Fig. 4, the canonical coordinate system for one 3D proposal denotes that (1) the origin is located at the center of the box proposal; (2) the local $X’$ and $Z’$ axes are approximately parallel to the ground plane with $X’$ pointing towards the head direction of proposal and the other $Z’$ axis perpendicular to $X’$; (3) the $Y’$ axis remains the same as that of the LiDAR coordinate system. All pooled points’ coordinates p of the box proposal should be transformed to the canonical coordinate system as $p˜$ by proper rotation and translation. Using the proposed canonical coordinate system enables the box refinement stage to learn better local spatial features for each proposal.

Feature learning for box proposal refinement: The refinement sub-network combines both the transformed local spatial points (features) $p˜$ as well as their global semantic features $f^{(p)}$ from stage-1 for further box and confidence refinement. Although the canonical transformation enables robust local spatial features learning, it inevitably loses depth information of each object. For instance, the far-away objects generally have much fewer points than nearby objects because of the fixed angular scanning resolution of the LiDAR sensors. To compensate for the lost depth information, we include the distance to the sensor.

Losses for box proposal refinement: We adopt the similar bin-based regression losses for proposal refinement. A ground-truth box is assigned to a 3D box proposal for learning box refinement if their 3D IoU is greater than 0.55.

3. Experiments

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