Home Reinforcement Learning Algorithms - [Part 1]

Reinforcement Learning Algorithms - [Part 1]

Reinforcement Learning Algorithms - [Part 1]

An introduction to RL

RL is an area of machine learning that deals with sequential decision-making, aimed at reaching a desired goal. An RL problem is constituted by a decision-maker called an Agent and the physical or virtual world in which the agent interacts, is known as the Environment . The agent interacts with the environment in the form of Action which results in an effect. As a result, the environment will feedback to the agent a new State and Reward . These two signals are the consequences of the action taken by the agent. In particular, the reward is a value indicating how good or bad the action was, and the state is the current representation of the agent and the environment.


In this diagram the agent is represented by PacMan that based on the current state of the environment, choose which action to take. Its behavior will influence the environment, like its position and that of the enemies, that will be returned by the environment in the form of a new state and the reward. This cycle is repeated until the game ends.

=> The ultimate goal of the agent is to maximize the total reward accumulated during its lifetime.

To maximize the cumulative reward, the agent has to learn the best behavior in every situation. To do so, the agent has to optimize for a long-term horizon while taking care of every single action. In environments with many discrete or continuous states and actions, learning is difficult because the agent should be accountable for each situation. To make the problem harder, RL can have very sparse and delayed rewards, making the learning process more arduous.

An important characteristic of RL is that it can deal with environments that are dynamic, uncertain, and non-deterministic. These qualities are essential for the adoption of RL in the real world.

Comparing RL and supervised learning

RL and supervised learning are similar, yet different, paradigms to learn from data. Many problems can be tackled with both supervised learning and RL; however, in most cases, they are suited to solve different tasks.

Supervised learning learns to generalize from a fixed dataset with a limited amount of data consisting of examples. Each example is composed of the input and the desired output (or label) that provides immediate learning feedback.

In comparison, RL is more focused on sequential actions that you can take in a particular situation. In this case, the only supervision provided is the reward signal. There’s no correct action to take in a circumstance, as in the supervised settings.

RL can be viewed as a more general and complete framework for learning. The major characteristics that are unique to RL are as follows:

  • The reward could be dense, sparse, or very delayed. In many cases, the reward is obtained only at the end of the task (for example, in the game of chess).

  • The problem is sequential and time-dependent; actions will affect the next actions, which, in turn, influence the possible rewards and states.

  • An agent has to take actions with a higher potential to achieve a goal (exploitation), but it should also try different actions to ensure that other parts of the environment are explored (exploration). This problem is called the exploration-exploitation dilemma (or exploration-exploitation trade-off) and it manages the difficult task of balancing between the exploration and exploitation of the environment. This is also very important because, unlike supervised learning, RL can influence the environment since it is free to collect new data as long as it deems it useful.

  • The environment is stochastic and nondeterministic, and the agent has to take this into consideration when learning and predicting the next action. In fact, we’ll see that many of the RL components can be designed to either output a single deterministic value or a range of values along with their probability.

The third type of learning is unsupervised learning, and this is used to identify patterns in data without giving any supervised information. Data compression, clustering, and generative models are examples of unsupervised learning. It can also be adopted in RL settings in order to explore and learn about the environment. The combination of unsupervised learning and RL is called unsupervised RL . In this case, no reward is given and the agent could generate an intrinsic motivation to favor new situations where they can explore the environment.

History of RL

The first mathematical foundation of RL was built during the 1960s and 1970s in the field of optimal control. This solved the problem of minimizing a behavior’s measure of a dynamic system over time. The method involved solving a set of equations with the known dynamics of the system. During this time, the key concept of a Markov decision process (MDP) was introduced. This provides a general framework for modeling decision-making in stochastic situations. During these years, a solution method for optimal control called ? dynamic programming (DP) was introduced. DP is a method that breaks down a complex problem into a collection of simpler subproblems for solving an MDP.

Note that DP only provides an easier way to solve optimal control for systems with known dynamics; there is no learning involved. It also suffers from the problem of the curse of dimensionality because the computational requirements grow exponentially with the number of states.

Even if these methods don’t involve learning, as noted by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, we must consider the solution methods of optimal control, such as DP, to also be RL methods.

In the 1980s, the concept of learning by temporally successive predictions—the so-called temporal difference learning (TD learning) method—was finally introduced. TD learning introduced a new family of powerful algorithms.

The first problems solved with TD learning are small enough to be represented in tables or arrays. These methods are called tabular methods , which are often found as an optimal solution but are not scalable. In fact, many RL tasks involve huge state spaces, making tabular methods impossible to adopt. In these problems, function approximations are used to find a good approximate solution with less computational resources.

The adoption of function approximations and, in particular, of artificial neural networks (and deep neural networks) in RL is not trivial; however, as shown on many occasions, they are able to achieve amazing results. The use of deep learning in RL is called deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) and it has achieved great popularity ever since a deep RL algorithm named deep q network (DQN) displayed a superhuman ability to play Atari games from raw images in 2015. Another striking achievement of deep RL was with AlphaGo in 2017, which became the first program to beat Lee Sedol, a human professional Go player, and 18-time world champion. These breakthroughs not only showed that machines can perform better than humans in high-dimensional spaces (using the same perception as humans with respect to images), but also that they can behave in interesting ways. An example of this is the creative shortcut found by a deep RL system while playing Breakout, an Atari arcade game in which the player has to destroy all the bricks, as shown in the following image. The agent found that just by creating a tunnel on the left-hand side of the bricks and by putting the ball in that direction, it could destroy much more bricks and thus increase its overall score with just one move.

Nowadays, when dealing with high-dimensional state or action spaces, the use of deep neural networks as function approximations becomes almost a default choice. Deep RL has been applied to more challenging problems, such as data center energy optimization, selfdriving cars, multi-period portfolio optimization, and robotics, just to name a few.

Deep RL

Now you could ask yourself—why can deep learning combined with RL perform so well? Well, the main answer is that deep learning can tackle problems with a high-dimensional state space. Before the advent of deep RL, state spaces had to break down into simpler representations, called features . These were difficult to design and, in some cases, only an expert could do it. Now, using deep neural networks such as a convolutional neural network (CNN) or a recurrent neural network (RNN) , RL can learn different levels of abstraction directly from raw pixels or sequential data (such as natural language). This configuration is shown in the following diagram:


Furthermore, deep RL problems can now be solved completely in an end-to-end fashion. Before the deep learning era, an RL algorithm involved two distinct pipelines: one to deal with the perception of the system and one to be responsible for the decision-making. Now, with deep RL algorithms, these processes are joined and are trained end-to-end, from the raw pixels straight to the action. For example, as shown in the preceding diagram, it’s possible to train Pacman end-to-end using a CNN to process the visual component and a fully connected neural network (FNN) to translate the output of the CNN into an action.

Nowadays, deep RL is a very hot topic. The principal reason for this is that deep RL is thought to be the type of technology that will enable us to build highly intelligent machines. As proof, two of the more renowned AI companies that are working to solve intelligence problems, namely DeepMind and OpenAI, are heavily researching in RL.

Besides the huge steps achieved with deep RL, there is a long way to go. There are many challenges that still need to be addressed, some of which are listed as follows:

  • Deep RL is far too slow to learn compared to humans.

  • Transfer learning in RL is still an open problem.

  • The reward function is difficult to design and define.

  • RL agents struggle to learn in highly complex and dynamic environments such as the physical world.

Nonetheless, the research in this field is growing at a fast rate and companies are starting to adopt RL in their products.

Elements of RL

As we know, an agent interacts with their environment by the means of actions. This will cause the environment to change and to feedback to the agent a reward that is proportional to the quality of the actions and the new state of the agent. Through trial and error, the agent incrementally learns the best action to take in every situation so that, in the long run, it will achieve a bigger cumulative reward. In the RL framework, the choice of the action in a particular state is done by a policy , and the cumulative reward that is achievable from that state is called the value function . In brief, if an agent wants to behave optimally, then in every situation, the policy has to select the action that will bring it to the next state with the highest value. Now, let’s take a deeper look at these fundamental concepts.


The policy defines how the agent selects an action given a state. The policy chooses the action that maximizes the cumulative reward from that state, not with the bigger immediate reward. It takes care of looking for the long-term goal of the agent. For example, if a car has another 30 km to go before reaching its destination, but only has another 10 km of autonomy left and the next gas stations are 1 km and 60 km away, then the policy will choose to get fuel at the first gas station (1 km away) in order to not run out of gas. This decision is not optimal in the immediate future as it will take some time to refuel, but it will be sure to ultimately accomplish the goal.

The following diagram shows a simple example where an actor moving in a 4 x 4 grid has to go toward the star while avoiding the spirals. The actions recommended by a policy are indicated by an arrow pointing in the direction of the move. The diagram on the left shows a random initial policy, while the diagram on the right shows the final optimal policy. In a situation with two equally optimal actions, the agent can arbitrarily chooses which action to take:


An important distinction is between stochastic policies and deterministic policies. In the deterministic case, the policy provides a single deterministic action to take. On the other hand, in the stochastic case, the policy provides a probability for each action. The concept of the probability of an action is useful because it takes into consideration the dynamicity of the environment and helps its exploration.

One way to classify RL algorithms is based on how policies are improved during learning. The simpler case is when the policy that acts on the environment is similar to the one that improves while learning. Another way to say this is that the policy learns from the same data that it generates. These algorithms are called on-policy . Off-policy algorithms, in comparison, involve two policies—one that acts on the environment and another that learns but is not actually used. The former is called the behavior policy , while the latter is called the target policy . The goal of the behavior policy is to interact with and collect information about the environment in order to improve the passive target policy .

To better understand these two concepts, we can think of someone who has to learn a new skill. If the person behaves as on-policy algorithms do, then every time they try a sequence of actions, they’ll change their belief and behavior in accordance with the reward accumulated. In comparison, if the person behaves as an off-policy algorithm, they (the target policy) can also learn by looking at an old video of themselves (the behavior policy) doing the same skill—that is, they can use old experiences to help them to improve.

The policy-gradient method is a family of RL algorithms that learns a parametrized policy (as a deep neural network) directly from the gradient of the performance with respect to the policy. These algorithms have many advantages, including the ability to deal with continuous actions and explore the environment with different levels of granularity.

The value function

The value function represents the long-term quality of a state. This is the cumulative reward that is expected in the future if the agent starts from a given state. If the reward measures the immediate performance, the value function measures the performance in the long run. This means that a high reward doesn’t imply a high-value function and a low reward doesn’t imply a low-value function.

Moreover, the value function can be a function of the state or of the state-action pair. The former case is called a state-value function , while the latter is called an action-value function :


Here, the diagram shows the final state values (on the left side) and the corresponding optimal policy (on the right side).

Using the same gridworld example used to illustrate the concept of policy, we can show the state-value function. First of all, we can assume a reward of 0 in each situation except for when the agent reaches the star, gaining a reward of +1. Moreover, let’s assume that a strong wind moves the agent in another direction with a probability of 0.33. In this case, the state values will be similar to those shown in the left-hand side of the preceding diagram. An optimal policy will choose the actions that will bring it to the next state with the highest state value, as shown in the right-hand side of the preceding diagram.

Action-value methods (or value-function methods) are the other big family of RL algorithms. These methods learn an action-value function and use it to choose the actions to take. It’s worth noting that some policy-gradient methods, in order to combine the advantages of both methods, can also use a value function to learn the appropriate policy. These methods are called actor-critic methods. The following diagram shows the three main families of RL algorithms:



At each timestep, that is, after each move of the agent, the environment sends back a number that indicates how good that action was to the agent. This is called a reward. As we have already mentioned, the end goal of the agent is to maximize the cumulative reward obtained during their interaction with the environment.

In literature, the reward is assumed to be a part of the environment, but that’s not strictly true in reality. The reward can come from the agent too, but never from the decisionmaking part of it. For this reason and to simplify the formulation, the reward is always sent from the environment.

The reward is the only supervision signal injected into the RL cycle and it is essential to design the reward in the correct way in order to obtain an agent with good behavior. If the reward has some flaws, the agent may find them and follow incorrect behavior. For example, Coast Runners is a boat-racing game with the goal being to finish ahead of other players. During the route, the boats are rewarded for hitting targets. Some folks at OpenAI trained an agent with RL to play it. They found that, instead of running to the finish line as fast as possible, the trained boat was driving in a circle to capture re-populating targets while crashing and catching fire. In this way, the boat found a way to maximize the total reward without acting as expected. This behavior was due to an incorrect balance between short-term and long-term rewards.

The reward can appear with different frequencies depending on the environment. A frequent reward is called a dense reward ; however, if it is seen only a few times during a game, or only at its end, it is called a sparse reward . In the latter case, it could be very difficult for an agent to catch the reward and find the optimal actions.

Imitation learning and inverse RL are two powerful techniques that deal with the absence of a reward in the environment. Imitation learning uses an expert demonstration to map states to actions. On the other hand, inverse RL deduces the reward function from an expert optimal behavior.


The model is an optional component of the agent, meaning that it is not required in order to find a policy for the environment. The model details how the environment behaves, predicting the next state and the reward, given a state and an action. If the model is known, planning algorithms can be used to interact with the model and recommend future actions. For example, in environments with discrete actions, potential trajectories can be simulated using look ahead searches (for instance, using the Monte Carlo tree search).

The model of the environment could either be given in advance or learned through interactions with it. If the environment is complex, it’s a good idea to approximate it using deep neural networks. RL algorithms that use an already known model of the environment, or learn one, are called model-based methods .

Applications of RL

RL has been applied to a wide variety of fields, including robotics, finance, healthcare, and intelligent transportation systems. In general, they can be grouped into three major areas—automatic machines (such as autonomous vehicles, smart grids, and robotics), optimization processes (for example, planned maintenance, supply chains, and process planning) and control (for example, fault detection and quality control).

In the beginning, RL was only ever applied to simple problems, but deep RL opened the road to different problems, making it possible to deal with more complex tasks. Nowadays, deep RL has been showing some very promising results. Unfortunately, many of these breakthroughs are limited to research applications or games, and, in many situations, it is not easy to bridge the gap between purely research-oriented applications and industry problems. Despite this, more companies are moving toward the adoption of RL in their industries and products.

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