Life Zero Blog

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 17] - Application questions

Application questions 1. Summarize the building blocks of a visual odometry (VO) or visual SLAM (VSLAM) algorithm Image capturing (sequential) Feature detection & decription (SIFT) Fea...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 16] - Event based vision

Chapter 16 - Event based vision Lecture 14 Slides 1 - 72 Feature based Visual Odometry has been a field of research for a few decades now, and great improvements towards Efficiency and Robustnes...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 15] - Visual inertial fusion

Chapter 15 - Visual inertial fusion Lecture 13 Slides 1 - 50 An IMU, alsocalled Interial Measurement Unit, is a combination of six sensors: Three Gyroscope measure the angular velocity (angle ch...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 14] - Place Recognition

Chapter 14 - Place Recognition Lecture 12b Slides 1 - 51 In this chapter we will dive into the field of place recognition. In the context of visual odometry place recognition is importent for re...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 13] - Dense 3D Reconstruction

Chapter 13 - Dense 3D Reconstruction Lecture 12a Slides 1 - 47 In all previous chapters, we focused on sparse features: Small but easily recognizable, characteristic features in our scene. We tr...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 12] - Point / Feature Tracking

Chapter 12 - Point / Feature Tracking Lecture 11 Slides 1 - 76 Given two images of consecutive frames, how do we find the warping that defines the mostion of a template form one image I0 into a ...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 11] - Visual Odometry / Visual SLAM

Chapter 11 - Visual Odometry / Visual SLAM Lecture 9 Slides 8 - 61 Lecture 10 Slides 1 - 29 In this chapter we go over Structure from Motion in more detail. First we will look the the case whe...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 10] - RANSAC & Bundle Adjustment

Chapter 10 - RANSAC & Bundle Adjustment Lecture 8 Slides 44 - 88 Lecture 9 Slides 1 - 7 In this chapter we are looking into how we can construct a robust SFM. Since when working with SFM i...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 9] - Structure from Motion

Chapter 9 - Structure from Motion Lecture 8 Slides 1 - 43 Structure from Motion (SFM) encompasses the application when one wants to get the 3D positions of the points in a setting where the inpu...

Visual Odometry and Visual Algorithms [Part 8] - Stereovision, Trinagulation, Feature Correspondance, Disparity Map

Data Chapter 8 - Stereovision, Trinagulation, Feature Correspondance, Disparity Map Lecture 7 Slides 1 - 74 In this acticle we introduce the topic of stereo vision which is the application of m...