Shapes - Alignment, Descriptors, Similarity 3D Shape Alignment (Registration) Often needed: e.g. in 3D scanning (combine different scanned parts) SLAM = Simultaneous Localization + Mapping (e...
ML for 3D Geometry - Part 2
ML for 3D Geometry - Part 1
Geometric Foundations - Surface Representations There are several ways to represent 3D shapes, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Aspects to consider are the memory usage, how effic...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 10]
Chapter 10 - Variational Multiview Reconstruction Shape optimization Shape optimization: find 3d shape that best corresponds to the given images. Explicit shape representations For example, splin...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 9]
Chapter 9 - Introduction to Variational Methods Motivation: Optimization-Based Methods let you specify what you want from a solution directly. This can be much better than “cooking up” an algorithm...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 8]
Chapter 8 - Direct Approaches to Visual SLAM SLAM = Simultaneous Localization And Mapping Indirect vs. Direct methods Classical Multi-View Reconstruction Pipeline The classical approach tackles st...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 7]
Chapter 7 - Bundle Adjustment & Non-Linear Optimization Reconstruction under Noise Linear approaches are usually prone to noise. We now assume that $\tilde{x}_1, \tilde{x}_2$ are noisy data po...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 6]
Chapter 6 - Reconstruction from Multiple Views Not just two, but multiple views. Each new view gives 6 new parameters, but many more point measurements -> ratio params / measurements improves. ...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 5]
Chapter 5 - Reconstruction from Two Views Assumptions two consecutive frames given: set of corresponding points static scene (no movements during camera motion) intrinsic camera parameter...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 4]
Chapter 4 - Estimating Point Correspondence Goal: find point descriptors/characteristic image features to be able to identify keypoints accross several images from different views. Things to consi...
Computer Vision Fundamental - [Part 3]
Chapter 3 - Perspective Projection Goal of MVG: invert the image formation process. One part of the formation process is the camera motion (last lecture). The second one is the projection of point...